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It’s been said that with our new lockdown living being extended to include ‘unlimited’ exercise people have never been more active than they are now. Couple this with the rise of workout information circulating the internet and it’s not always easy to know what you should and shouldn’t believe. For young adults looking to get fit, or indeed parents looking to move their teen’s interests from playstation to press-ups, you might have come across this idea that working out can stunt growth. To help put your mind at ease, this article will look at the truth about working out and growth as well as providing Ok, I’m going to go ahead and dispel this one upfront and tell you now that weightlifting as a teen or young adult does not stunt growth. In fact, well-supervised weightlifting provides numerous benefits: To understand this, you need to realise that from the moment you’re born up until your late teens or early 20s your skeleton is growing. Part of this process involves the formation of growth plates which are a thin layer at the end of your long limb bones that slowly turns to bone during this period of growth. [3] It was thought that because these growth plates are particularly prone to injury [4] that any injury may stunt growth as a result. However, the truth is whilst in some severe cases it can, your real-world chances of stunted or abnormal growth due to weightlifting are very low. In fact, in a meta-analysis [5] of 60 years’ worth of studies that looked at body and girls from 6 to 18 years of age, researchers found that children and teens, almost exclusively, benefited from weightlifting. The only caveat was that there must be effective supervision and guidance in place. With this in mind let’s look at some of the best training and nutrition tips.

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